Category Archives: Wrongful Termination

Women Can be Fired for Being Too Attractive, Says Iowa Supreme Court

A seemingly horrible decision out of Iowa provides an extreme example of how discrimination is only actionable if it involves a protected class. In a very rare move, the Iowa Supreme Court had already issued a ruling in this case … Continue reading

Newsflash to Judge Lynn Hughes: Lactation is Related to Pregnancy

I reported a little over a year ago about a discrimination case out of Texas. A fired employee sued for wrongful termination based on discrimination, claiming that she was fired due to her request to use the bathroom to breast-pump. … Continue reading

California Court of Appeal Rejects “Multi-Tasking” Argument for Exempt Employees

An interesting case involving the Safeway grocery chain could have some far reaching ramifications for California employers. First a little law. In California, a manager can be exempt from overtime pay, so long as the manager is “primarily engaged” in … Continue reading

“I Know Better Syndrome” Can Cost You Your Job

A case out of San Diego beautifully illustrates an issue that I frequently encounter with prospective clients, and provides a cautionary tale. The fact pattern is so common that I have given it a name — the “‘I Know Better’ Syndrome”, … Continue reading